Wanted Win Casino
Wanted Win Casino, owned and operated by Dama N.V., and was established in 2023. It is a distinguished online gaming destination known for its extensive game library and innovative features. The casino has earned multiple high-rated reviews for its customer service, fast payouts and top-notch security protocols.
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Security and Licensing on Wanted Win Casino
Wanted Win Casino prioritises player security with strong protocols. The platform uses advanced encryption and extra firewall protections to block malicious threats and unauthorised access, keeping player data safe from cybercriminals.
This online casino, owned by Dama N.V. in Curacao, operates under a strict E-gaming license (No. 8048/JAZ2020-13) from Antillephone N.V. It ensures integrity, trustworthiness, fairness, security, and responsible gaming standards.
Although Wanted Win Casino does everything it can to protect players, it’s also essential for players to be aware of their own safety measures. Players should always use a secure password and never share personal information or login details with anyone else.
Responsible Gambling on Wanted Win Casino
As part of Wanted Win Casino’s initiative towards responsible gambling, they offer a range of features to help players keep their gaming in check. Before you get involved with online gambling, you should always see this activity as a form of entertainment.
Personal Limits
The casino’s Personal Limits feature helps you gamble responsibly by setting caps on deposits, losses, and wagers. Contact support to set limits; decreases are immediate, and increases require email confirmation. Options include Deposit Limit, Loss Limit, Wager Limit, Cooling-Off Limit (excludes deposits/promotions but allows withdrawals), and Self-Exclusion Limit (disables account for a set period).
Self-Exclusion by Request
You can also request self-exclusion by contacting the support team. This will block your account and ensure you receive no promotional materials. If excluded, contact the support team to withdraw any remaining balance. They’ll help you with the withdrawal process, but keep in mind that self-exclusion doesn’t skip over the necessary verification steps.
External Help
You may contact Gamblers Anonymous, GamCare, or Gambling Therapy for additional support. Players have access to specialised counselling and psychological support programs. Specialised software like CyberPatrol and Net Nanny can help protect minors from accessing gaming websites.
Game Selection at Wanted Win Casino
Old and new casinos alike have a significant library of casino games with slot machines, table games, and live dealer rooms. Wanted Win Casino offers games from multiple categories:
Players who love pokies will find a wide array of games designed to thrill and entertain. Exciting titles such as Rise of Triton, Fishing Mania, Egypt Sphere, and Book of Eye offer distinct themes and engaging gameplay. With immersive graphics and rewarding features, each game promises hours of captivating fun.
Live Casino Tables
The Live Casino section brings the excitement of a real casino straight to your screen. Engage with professional dealers in real-time while enjoying classic games like Roulette, Blackjack, Baccarat, and Poker. With high-definition streaming and interactive features, it offers an authentic casino atmosphere wherever you may be.
Bonus Buy
For casino players seeking swift access to unique features, the Bonus Buy section is a must-check. Titles such as Gold Rush, Pulled from the Deep, and Bonanza Billion offer the option to purchase bonus rounds directly. This feature speeds up the action and delivers immediate entry to high-stakes gameplay.
Customer Support at Wanted Win Casino
Customer service is the core of any successful online casino, and Wanted Win Casino is no exception. Their support team is available around the clock, ensuring that any issues or questions you have are promptly addressed.
The live chat feature connects you with a support agent immediately. I tried it out myself and was impressed with the quick response time and helpful assistance I received. If you prefer email, you can reach their support team at [email protected]. They are known for their thorough and timely responses, making sure every concern is dealt with efficiently.
The FAQ section on the casino’s website is comprehensive and user-friendly. It covers a wide range of topics, from account management to game rules, making it a valuable resource for new and experienced players alike. Most basic questions can be answered here, saving players time and effort.
Deposit and Withdrawal Methods on Wanted Win Casino
This platform’s deposit and withdrawal methods cater to various player preferences, ensuring seamless transactions. The availability of traditional and cryptocurrency options enhances flexibility for all users.
Deposit Methods
Deposits can be made through multiple channels, each designed for convenience and security. Online banking options like DefaultType and Jet Bank Transfer enable instant transactions, with minimum deposit limits set at $20 and varying maximum limits. Digital wallets like Neosurf offer instant processing without any commission, accommodating deposits up to $6000.
CashToCode allows secure cash deposits with a maximum limit of $400 for those who prefer cash. eZeeWallet combines the ease of online banking with instant transactions, supporting deposits up to $4000.
CoinsPaid stands out for those opting for cryptocurrency payments, providing a secure and instant transaction method. Bitcoin deposits are welcome with a minimum limit of mBTC 100, and Ethereum deposits start at mETH 10. This method ensures anonymity and rapid processing, appealing to tech-savvy users.
Withdrawal Methods
Withdrawals are equally streamlined, ensuring players have quick access to their winnings. MiFinity offers a reliable online banking withdrawal service with a maximum limit of $4000 and no commission. Traditional bank transfers are available for those preferring a direct transaction to their bank account, with processing times ranging from 3-5 days and a minimum withdrawal limit of $100.
For cryptocurrency users, CoinsPaid offers a swift and secure method for withdrawing funds, with the same limits for deposits. This option is fast and eliminates fees, making it a popular choice among advanced users.
Current Casino Bonuses on Wanted Win Casino
This platform provides unique, exciting bonuses designed to elevate your gaming journey. Here’s a detailed overview of the current promotions and their terms.
Welcome Pack
New players can enjoy a Welcome Pack with up to $5,000 and 300 free spins. This extensive bonus is designed to give newcomers a strong start, allowing them to explore various games and win big.
Gold Rush Free Spins
Unlock various free spins using the appropriate bonus codes with specific deposit bonus amounts. Enter the code GOLDRUSH and deposit $20 to receive 40 Free Spins. For 45 Free Spins, use COWBOY45 with a $30 deposit.
Similarly, the code TREASURE grants 50 Free Spins with a $35 deposit, and SALOON55 offers 55 Free Spins with a $40 deposit.
Level Up Your Adventure
Join an adventure with Gold Heist, where you can steal complimentary points (comp points) from the weakest players daily. Make at least one deposit bonus to participate and ensure your information is completed. Start the heist and snatch comp points at least once daily for free, watching your golden CP balance grow. These points can be exchanged for cash or free spins.
Bonus Shop
Earn comp points by playing real-money games and actively participating in the platform. Every $3 you spend earns you 1 comp point, which can be exchanged in the Bonus Shop for various bonuses. This system rewards consistent play and provides an added incentive to stay engaged.
Wanted Win Casino brings a unique twist to the online gambling scene with its Wild West theme and diverse game selection. From live casino tables to bonus buy options, this platform caters to all types of players. With secure deposit and withdrawal methods, exciting bonuses, and 24/7 customer support, it’s clear that this casino stands out amongst other competing sites out there.
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